Joy Sunday School Class
The Joy Class meets at 9:30 a.m. on the lower floor of the Education Building. It utilizes the Adult Bible Study curriculum of the International Lesson Series, led by a rotating team of class members.
Otis Nixon Class
Our senior adult and vital class, studying the Adult Bible Study curriculum of the International Lesson Series, led by a rotating team of teachers. Meets at 9:30 a.m. on the lower floor of the Education Building.
The Bridge Class
A class that meets in the Family Life Center immediately following The Bridge Service. Watch announcements for the current study topic.
The Lesson Class
This class focuses on one text of the current week's Revised Common Lectionary. Meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Education Office in the Education Building. Currently we are considering the Epistle reading of each current Sunday. The lectionary schedule may be found here.
Wednesday Night Studies, along with our Wednesday Night Church Supper, are currently on summer break and will resume after Labor Day.