Dear Friends,
The United Methodist Women will again have the Love Light Service in conjunction with the Hanging of the Greens, on December 3 at 6:00 p.m. This is a fund-raiser for the UMW, with proceeds supporting local missions.
Remember those persons you wish to honor as well as those who have passed on. A candle will be lit in memory and the lights on the outside in front of the sanctuary will lighted in honor of all the names listed on the Honor Roll.
The contribution for each name is $5.00. Please submit your names by November 28 on the form below; or forms are available in the narthex or on back hallway. Drop your money and form in the offering plate, or bring to the church office.
- Ginger Bloodworth, President Salem UMWomen
The United Methodist Women will again have the Love Light Service in conjunction with the Hanging of the Greens, on December 3 at 6:00 p.m. This is a fund-raiser for the UMW, with proceeds supporting local missions.
Remember those persons you wish to honor as well as those who have passed on. A candle will be lit in memory and the lights on the outside in front of the sanctuary will lighted in honor of all the names listed on the Honor Roll.
The contribution for each name is $5.00. Please submit your names by November 28 on the form below; or forms are available in the narthex or on back hallway. Drop your money and form in the offering plate, or bring to the church office.
- Ginger Bloodworth, President Salem UMWomen