Our acolytes add much to our worship service. They light the altar candles, to signify that "God is in this place!" They assist with the offering and in other ways in the service, as the pastor may request. Acolyte means "assistant."
WHO MAY SERVE Our acolytes are children, age xx and above, and youth of our church -- and even an occasional adult! TRAINING Acolytes are taught the meaning of their service and the basics of their actions in a [once/twice]-yearly class [taught by the leader of our worship ministries/our Acolyte Coordinator/our pastor] The session is usually offered [before Lent/Easter/Advent]. Listen for the announcements, or call the church office. |
Please be in the [sanctuary/narthex/sacristy] xx minutes before the service. If you cannot serve on your Sunday, please find a substitute and notify the church office of the change by Thursday morning (when the bulletin is printed). SEPTEMBER 2015 Jonathan & Drew xxx OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 3015 DECEMBER 2015 |